RINAT Camiseta Aracnik bolur

3.490 kr.3.990 kr.

Vörunúmer: 416776128 Flokkar: , ,


Improved cutting. Now it’s more technical and tight to look athletic and imposing in goal.

Sublimated in front, back and sleeves.

Made with a new fabric that is fresher, lighter, breathable and with a much better touch, resulting in a finer garment.

UltraPlay technology: the fabric brings sweat to the outer layer of the garment to facilitate its evaporation. This textile is treated to protect against UV rays and also reduces the accumulation of germs that cause odor.

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AL (large fullorðins), AM (medium fullorðins), AS (small fullorðins), YL (large í barnastærð), YM (medium í barnastærð), YS (small í barnastærð)


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