RINAT Celsius markmannssett

12.490 kr.

Markmannssett sem inniheldur: Treyju með stuðningspúðum á olnbogasvæði og fyrir framhandleggi.  Stuttbuxur með stuðningi á mjaðmasvæði. Uppháir sokkar:

  • Goalkeeper jersey. Neck with applications in lycra, which makes it easy to put on and take off the garment. Slim fit to look athletic and imposing in goal. Cushioning in elbows and forearms that provide protection in main impact areas. Ultra Play technology, the fabric carries sweat to the outer layer of the garment to facilitate its evaporation. The textile is treated to protect from UV rays and also reduces the accumulation of germs that cause odor.
  • Short pants, with protections on the hips.
  • Goalkeeper socks, extra long.

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AL (large fullorðins), AM (medium fullorðins), AS (small fullorðins), AXL (extra large fullorðins), YL (large í barnastærð), YM (medium í barnastærð), YS (small í barnastærð)


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