Gloveglu GLOVE WASH & PREPARE (250 ml)

3.490 kr.


Enhance the performance and longevity of your latex by keeping your gloves clean.

Our exclusive DirTECH formula removes dirt from the latex palm area of goalkeeping gloves, which lifts the dirt particles away from the latex, improves the surface and prepares the gloves for enhanced play and a longer glove life.

Ensure your gloves are clean & dry before using them for goalkeeping. We recommend applying gloveglu grip sprays afterwards on your clean & dry glove.

Developed to work on any goalkeeper glove

How to use:

– Spray glove wash & prepare onto each glove (spray 4-6 times).
– Rub in the glove wash & prepare. You may prefer to wear the gloves whilst cleaning them
– Wash the gloves under warm running water and use a microfibre sponge to help lift dirt. Apply more sprays if required.
– Once the dirt has been removed, rinse the gloves in warm water and squeeze the excess liquid out. Allow to dry naturally, away from direct sunlight.

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