RINAT Quartz markmannstreyja

7.990 kr.

Hágæða markmannstreyja með stuðningspúðum á olnboðum og framhandleggjum til að veita vernd á helstu álagssvæðum.

Vörunúmer: 377936056 Flokkar: , , ,


Created to be at the level of high performance goalkeepers, elegant design with details in energetic colors, it has an area of anti-skid gel on the chest to help you secure the balls. It gives you a tight fit to look athletic and stunning in the goal. Built with different textile sections that provide flexibility, comfort and freedom of movement.
It has cushioning on elbows and forearms that provide protection in the main impact areas.
Ultra Play technology, the fabric takes sweat to the outer layer of the garment to facilitate evaporation. The textile is treated to protect against UV rays and also reduces the accumulation of germs that cause the bad smell.
Breathable mesh sections that go from the neck to the wrist through the shoulder and from the sides of the chest to the hip.

Frekari upplýsingar


AL (large fullorðins), AM (medium fullorðins), AS (small fullorðins), YL (large í barnastærð), YM (medium í barnastærð), YS (small í barnastærð)


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