RINAT Egotiko Stellar AO Pro (HM ÚTGÁFA 2022) (Stærð 7)

18.790 kr.

Sérstök HM 2022 útgáfa af hönskum André Onana markmanns Kamerún og Manchester United. Eins hanskar og hann spilaði með á HM í Katar og núna með liði Inter Milan.

Egotiko týpan er ein af upprunalegu tegundunum og ein sú vinsælasta í gegnum tíðina. Henni hefur verið breytt og er núna léttari, ferskari og fagurfræðilegri án þess að missa þægindi, virkni og umfram allt að vera trú upprunans. Hannaður fyrir mikil aflköst og kröfur.

Vörunúmer: 295829409 Flokkar: , ,


Dorso: Natural high-volume latex to a piece that covers the upper area and rubber graft in the middle area, all mounted on neoprene, which makes it a light glove, but at the same time it gives the feeling of being well armed.

Cut: Hibrido, is a Negative-Roll with very marked ergonomics which makes it very comfortable maximises comfort and security sensations.

Palma: Latex German AXG FORMULA, of the best in the market, perfect balance between a Grip Top and good resistance.

Closure: It is composed of a breathable and elastic fabric in the area of the back and elastic wristband in the lower area of the palm, thus achieving a perfect fit and facilitating the entry and exit of the hand. Latex-composite tape that passes below the palm which makes extension to have greater grip area. This coupled with the customizable window through an elastic application, which allows each archer to adjust it to their full taste.



CUT Negative Roll

GROUND Natural Grass

Frekari upplýsingar


07, 08, 09, 10, 11


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