
RINAT Lexus GK Semi (stærð 6)

4.945 kr.

Vörunúmer: 7988110899-1 Flokkar: , , , , Merkimiði:


Aesthetics and comfort are some of the attributes that you will find in the new LEXUS GK SEMI.

It’s a well-armed glove with a lot of ergonomics that will offer you great performance to accompany you in all your saves.

Backhand: Large volume application with shock absorption panels, closed in negative and mounted on highly breathable textile mesh. On the fingers it has side textile applications to complement the perspiration and ventilation of the hand.

Cut: Ergonomic, fits perfectly to all types of hands.

Palm: Super Softy XP latex, great performance with very good grip and cushioning, do not forget to moisten it before each use to improve the experience.

Closure: Elastic wristband that fits perfectly, embraced and reinforced with a 2-piece strap, joined by an elastic application to adjust, and secure to the need of each goalkeeper.

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06, 07, 08


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