
RINAT Rene Higuita Egotiko Escorpion Pro LIMITED EDITION

15.863 kr.

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Sérstök viðhafnarútgáfa af Egotiko til að minnast 25 ára afmælis stórkostlegrar sporðdrekavörslu Rene Higuita á móti Englandi á Wembley 1995, eftirminnileg og söguleg stund ekki fyrir aðeins markmenn heldur knattspyrnusöguna.

Þróað í samvinnu við goðsögnina kólumbíska markvörðinn Rene Higuita. Þessi tegund af hönskum felur ekki aðeins í sér sjónræna þætti og einkenni Higuita, heldur einnig með bættu sniði og nýstárlegu efnisvali gerir hanskann mjög tæknilegan og faglegan keppnishanska.


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Special edition of the Egotiko to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Rene Higuita’s spectacular Scorpion at Wembley (1995) a memorable and historic moment not only for goalkeepers but for soccer in general.

Developed in collaboration with the legendary Colombian goalkeeper, this model not only incorporates visual elements and characteristics of Higuita, it also features improved construction and innovative materials that make it a highly technical and professional performance glove.

Backhand: A combination of latex with high frequency and rubber areas make it very flexible and comfortable, especially on the knuckles area. All mounted on a breathable mesh on the top and neoprene on the bottom, which makes it a more adjustable and lightweight glove.

Cut: Hybrid, negative-roll. The latex of the palm wraps almost completely the index and pinky fingers, while a negative cut covers the middle and ring fingers for better t and confidence, specially designed for those who look for maximum sensation with the ball.

Latex: 3.5 mm + 3mm PU Omega Xtreme, with excellent performance in both dry and wet. Excellent grip under any situation and with very good resistance considering that it is a high-end latex. Its micro particles give it greater resistance and increase the grip when it comes into contact with water. Latex between fingers to increase the grip area.(White model)

Super Nova Grip: Latest generation German latex that provides an out-of-this-world grip, it has Grip-sparks that potentiate and significantly increase adherence from the first use, which guarantees maximum performance in all weather conditions. 3.5mm latex + 3mm PU. Latex between fingers to increase the grip area. (Black model)

Closure: High frequency embossed neoprene cu with points of flexion for freedom of movement. External lycra opening for easy hand entry. Wide wristband with an elastic point, customizable textile section and latex in the inner wrist area. Velcro fastening for secure fit.

Recommended Use:

        • All-Weather
        • Collectible
        • Matches
        • Natural grass

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