
RINAT Xtreme Guard Superior Semi (stærð 4 – 1 stk. eftir)

4.945 kr.


Þessi nýja útgáfa af Xtreme Guard hefur frábæra eiginleika þrátt fyrir að vera skilgreindur sem hanski á miðstigi. Hvernig hanskinn er byggður og tæknileg smáatriði gerir hann að afar þægilegum og árangursríkum hanska og er í flokki með betri hönskum í svipuðum flokki.

Back: Ultra-lightweight neoprene base with volume for protection and cushioning. High frequency encapsulated back for volume, body and protection. Mounted on highly breathable material.

Cut: Negative. This cut has the seams on the inside of the glove. It loses a little bit of latex surface, but in exchange it achieves a great fit to the hand. It is a very technical cut that, being so tight, gives the maximum sensation of control and contact with the ball.

Palm: Super Softy XP. Latex with good performance and durability, as well as a very good grip. Recommended for dry use.

Closure: Wristband made of neoprene and elastic which makes it more functional and facilitates the entry of the hand. Full headband with customizable window and elastic application at the base for better fit.


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