Topps Match Attax Champions League 2024/25 Booster Tin – Fótboltamyndir / Fótboltaspjöld

1.879 kr.

ATH! ÁBYRGUMST LÆGSTA VERÐIÐ! Lægra en Bónus. Láttu okkur vita ef þú sérð lægra verð annars staðar.

Match Attax 24/25 is actioned packed full of all the best players from the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europe League and the UEFA Europe Conference League.

Each Booster Tin comes with THREE awesome Limited Edition cards!

Featuring an impressive portfolio of card categories such as Champions Players cards, Vintage Vibes, Trophy Triumph, Attax Debut, Heritage cards, Black Edge cards, Chrome Shields, Blue Crystal Parallels plus the 100 Club, Unbeatable 100 Club and many more this collection has everything you need to see you through the whole season.

Look out for the all-new Chase cards inside this collection – Gold Edge cards, Hall of Fame Chrome cards, Platinum Pull LE’s, Ultimate Talent, Genuine Autograph cards, and Genuine Autograph Combo cards!

Booster Tin Contents:

  • 28 cards
  • 3 Exclusive Limited Edition cards
  • Rare Relic cards available – 1 in 28 lucky tins

1 random coloured tin will be provided. 4 special themed Booster Tins to collect!

6 á lager

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